The days of Jesus
Beyond blessed that La Limye's board of directors and leadership team was able to come to Haiti in June. Here is one of the experiences that was felt. To all, Thank you all for traveling to Haiti to visit La Limye Ministries this past week and working to make the children's home a little closer to being finished. I personally feel blessed by everyone on the trip and am so happy about the new bonds of close friendship I feel for each of you. On the bus while passing some houses on a hill side Cathy made the comment that Haiti looks a lot like how she envisions Israel looked at the time of Jesus. Not just the landscape of mountains and ocean but the way the people lived then and now. I believe her perceptions are correct. In the time of Jesus people lived in stone houses, got their daily water from a well or pool and put it in jars they carried on their head. In Jesus' time was no air conditioning or refrigeration, most people had to walk everywhere, there was no...