I got the message 2 day after she was born. A beautiful
7.5 pound orphaned baby was carried down the
mountain by her teenage uncle after losing her mom
from child birth complications and her dad from an
accident a few months back. She was brought to another
ministry, who’s children’s home was already full, so they
messaged me.
My mind immediately went back to Melody. It had been
almost 3 months since the day she breathed her last...
but not a single day had gone by that I didn’t think of her
sweet soft voice and still small body lying helpless in my
arms. I fast forwarded my thoughts and pondered on all
the “what-ifs”. What is this baby dies also. What if I have
to buy a casket the size of my purse all over again. I had
already given away all of my baby clothes. I was scared.
Scared to be hurt again. Scared to love again. Scared to
try again.
She was orphaned. She had no mother and no father and
I was asked to take on that role. How could I say no? I
saw her precious picture light up on my phone and I took
a deep breath and relied. “ yes, I am still taking in children.” Ann Voskamp said “Not one thing in your life is
more important than figuring out how to live in the face
of unspoken pain.” I had to learn to cope. I had to live by
faith. As I clenched my fist as if I am clinging onto the
hands of Jesus, I said yes. “Maybe this broken way is
making something new. He is making all things new.”
Welcome home, Miss Essie. You’ve given me my strength
back. You’ve given me hope. I love you, sweet girl.
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