Is this your house Ellen? It is so pretty!!! No Sindy, this is not my house. This is a convenient store, not my pantry. He r first time out of the village and into a store where she was allowed to choose whatever she wanted was a dream come true for this little 7 year old. Sindy Sindy's house She chose the 1/2 gallon jug of juice. No, not because she is greedy. No, not because she is selfish. She chose it because she knows she will share it with the rest of the family and it might be the only clean liquid that goes down her throat for the next few days. So we bought juice and crackers and bread and I went to sleep knowing that no hunger pains would come that night. 1 night down, 364 more to beat. Marvens house The storm moves in and the rain begins to fall and I begin thanking God, because the rain cools off the house. At 2am I awake realizing the rain has stopped, I am sweating, and I begin to pout. I take a towel throw it on t...